Lots of questions popping up about best practices for farms communicating to shareholders about how pick-up/delivery logistics may be impacted. I've seen a few listserv posts, but would welcome insights here.
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The Hudson Valley CSA Coalition has been hosting weekly calls to support farmers (CSA and beyond) in adapting to the shifting landscape of COVID-19 for farmers. These happen Wednesdays at 7pm. If anyone wants to join, let me know and I can add you to the mailing list.
We had a great discussion last week that this group may be interested in on the aggregation and home delivery model that Tianna Kennedy at 607 CSA has orchestrated over the past month. We also learned about how farmers are managing the risks/benefits of farmers markets and pre-order as well as learning about the new Hudson Food Hub. Notes are here and the recording is here.
Wanted to share this comprehensive list of CSA customization software / online storefront systems from the CAFF website.
Crowd sourcing CSA related info/ resources here. Please add to/share it.
Shared by Penn State Extension in another forum: https://pennstatefoodsafety.blogspot.com/2020/02/preparing-your-food-operation-for.html?m=1
The Farmers Market Coalition has published this guidance for markets: https://farmersmarketcoalition.org/farmers-markets-covid19/
Sharing given that some CSA farmers are also market vendors and distribute CSAs in these places.
Thanks for posting this question, Tim. I'm very interested to follow/participate.
Lindsay Smith