National Resources for Local Farms
The CSA Innovation Network is a national community of practice comprised of farmers and farmer support organizations dedicated to unifying and strengthening the CSA movement. The CSA Innovation Network is led by a core planning and advising team, and has expanded to include individuals and organizations who are passionate about supporting the advancement of CSA.
Community supported agriculture (CSA) has been rapidly evolving in recent years. With so many options for consumers to eat locally, many CSA farmers have been struggling to maintain and expand their market.
In response, the CSA Innovation Network serves as a resource base of programs and tools that facilitate idea-sharing and support the national movement toward stronger, more equitable local food systems.
Our pARTNERs & Collaborators
The CSA Innovation Network is proud to bring together a national community of individuals and organizations who work collaboratively to address the most pressing issues facing CSA farmers and farmer technical assistance providers.
Our partners and collaborators play a crucial role in the development of new educational content and relationship-building that helps bring change to our food system through the model of CSA and innovations within it.
The Hudson Valley CSA Coalition is a network of more than eighty CSA farms working collectively to expand and diversify CSA membership in New York's Hudson Valley region. The Coalition is facilitated by the Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming as one of the projects the Center coordinates in order to ensure that the Hudson Valley is a region defined by food where farming thrives.
Future Harvest CASA’s mission is to provide education, networking, and advocacy to help build a sustainable Chesapeake foodshed, where food flows from farm and fishery to table in ways that strengthen farming and the regional food economy; protect our land, water, and air; and provide healthy, nutritious food that sustains the region’s communities and cities.
The Pacific Northwest CSA Coalition connects you with your farmer through Community Supported Agriculture. We help people find local farms, and we help farmers create sustainable, thriving businesses. We believe a vibrant, environmentally sound local food system is created by building relationships between farmers and households through healthy, accessible, local food.
The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment was founded as, and remains a land-grant institution, committed to improving the quality of life for Kentuckians. Our research, teaching, and extension programs are part of a national system that maintains a statewide presence and links local, state, and global issues. Agriculture, food, and environmental systems are key components of Kentucky's economic future, and the college is playing a prominent role in those areas with its programs.
Taste the Local Difference (TLD) is Michigan’s Local Food Marketing Agency and Media Company, an ongoing statewide consumer education campaign about the value of local food. TLD also provides direct affordable marketing services to farms, farmers markets and other local food businesses. The organization participates in the Michigan CSA Network and the Marketing Working Group for the National CSA Innovation Network, offering expertise in marketing strategy, farmer support and effective messaging
The Kentucky Farm Share Coalition (KYFSC) is a farmer led program that works to elevate the concept of CSA across the state through workplace wellness programs and community outreach as a way to help farmers increase and stabilize their annual revenue while improving healthy food access. The program encourages Kentuckians to know their farmers and to embrace the human, environmental and economic health benefits of eating local and organic. KYFSC is a program of the Organic Association of Kentucky, an organization dedicated to advancing organic agriculture through farmer education, technical assistance and marketing resources